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Pranic Healing is an energy healing system based on the fundamental principle that the body has the innate ability to heal itself. It has been practiced by saints and yogis since ancient times and now millions of people worldwide. Infinite cases have been healed with Pranic Healing and documented. This includes physical ailments like headache, heart block, fever, ulcer, backpain, asthma, migraine, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, tumor With Pranic Psychotherapy one can also heal psycho logical disorders like stress, phobia, fears, sadness, depression, addiction, violence, compulsive disorders, relationships. Pranic Psychotherapy also helps to bring in financial stability Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, Founder of Modern Pranic Healing® & Arhatic Yoga developed Pranic Healing Science over a 20-year period doing experimentation and evidence-based research. He formulated an easy -to- learn system which has shown to have positive results contributing to better physical health, mental wellbeing and improved quality of life. Pranic Healing is complementary to orthodox medicine and not replacement of conventional medicine but rather compliment it.